Matthias Galke & weitere Reihen

Die Werke von Matthias Galke und weitere Reihen des Das Gesetz des Einen-Verlags

Amnesia - Unsere vergessene Geschichte (Matthias Galke)
Das Gesetz des Einen und die Evolution des Bewusstseins, Band 3
Matthias Galke

Quo vadis, Homo sapiens? 
In zahlreichen esoterischen Traditionen ist heutzutage die Rede vom Anbruch eines Neuen Zeitalters (New Age). So spricht man in der Astrologie vom kommenden Wassermannzeitalter – laut dem Maya-Kalender begann im Jahr 2012 ein neuer Zyklus, in okkulten Zirkeln wird das kommende Äon des Horus proklamiert – und das Gesetz des Einen verkündet den Übergang in die vierten Dichte, den „Zyklus von Liebe oder Verständnis/Erkenntnis“ (16.21). Steht uns in den nächsten Jahren tatsächlich ein „Goldenes Zeitalter“ harmonischen Miteinanders bevor? Oder eher eine totalitär-technokratische Neue Weltordnung (New World Order)? Drohen gewaltige Naturkatastrophen? Die Ankunft des Antichristen? Oder gar ein biblisches Armageddon – also ein finaler Weltkrieg, der das Ende der Menschheit besiegeln wird? So oder so – wir stehen offensichtlich vor dem Eintritt in eine neue Ära.
Ca. 630 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-949308-12-3
30,00 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Philosophy of Yoga
The philosophy of Yoga offers a kind of knowledge that may help us to reflect on our subjective and collective concepts of reality in a broader context. It offers us the opportunity to become more aware of our individual patterns as well as on a societal level. Philosophy gives us a clearer understanding of who we are, what the world is, why we are here–and how we can behave in harmony with our environment according to this insight. Practicing Yoga means being aware of who I am and why I am here. Yoga can therefore be understood as an invitation to become fundamentally more conscious–to be more aware.

Yoga is the development of consciousness.

Three hundred million people worldwide now practice Yoga. What is the percentage of practitioners who are completely aware of the actual purpose of Yoga? Should Yoga evolve into a mass trend in this sense–as a contribution to the collective evolution of consciousness–this could be a great step towards the dawn of a “Golden Age.”
25,00 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Philosophy of Yoga (softcover edition)
The philosophy of Yoga offers a kind of knowledge that may help us to reflect on our subjective and collective concepts of reality in a broader context. It offers us the opportunity to become more aware of our individual patterns as well as on a societal level. Philosophy gives us a clearer understanding of who we are, what the world is, why we are here–and how we can behave in harmony with our environment according to this insight. Practicing Yoga means being aware of who I am and why I am here. Yoga can therefore be understood as an invitation to become fundamentally more conscious–to be more aware.

Yoga is the development of consciousness.

Softcover edition
210 pages
20,00 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Intelligent Infinity (Softcover Edition)
Volume I of German philosopher and yoga teacher instructor Matthias Galke's comprehensive commentary on the Ra Contact "The Law of One and the Evolution of Consciousness"
“I am very impressed with Galke’s grasp of the information that we received from those of Ra and how he presents it as a potential means of resolving the differences of opinion in many areas of life which seem to be so prevalent in our world today.” (Jim McCarty)
The first volume of this book series - "Intelligent Infinity" - deals with the metaphysical foundations of a creation, which presents itself as a manifestation of a creative consciousness. Connections and similarities with different spiritual traditions, such as the Kabbalah, Hermetics and the Vedas on the one hand, as well as current scientific and humanistic findings such as quantum physics or information theory on the other hand, are shown.
340 pages
Softcover edition
20,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 10 (von insgesamt 10)